#yumi descreves her own ted talk



In response to some things I’ve been seeing for some time now regarding Sara Ramírez and some “fans” (+ a bunch of asks I’ve received over time I have ignored):

I think some people really need to understand that Sara is a real person, with real feelings, with a life that doesn’t revolve around a fictional couple, who doesn’t owe us anything whatsoever. Ever since she left Grey’s, there’s been this growing number of tweets and posts where “fans” constantly talk about & criticize her. Her life, her looks, her relationship status, her tweets, how she interacts with fans, what she says, the list goes on and on.

As soon as she stepped out of this little box people had put her in, where she didn’t live up to expectations of who she should be, all y’all can seem to do is criticize every single thing she does or doesn’t do, compare her with others, tear her down. A while back, she talked about a fan encounter where she was told “You’re not who I thought I was” and how that’s the way she often feels. Think about that and then think about how “fans” have talked about her over the past two years, the tweets she’s been tagged in, the shade. How people say she’s changed, how she was prettier/better before, the assumptions people have made about her personal life. All of that plays into fans thinking they’re entitled to shit they’re not.

Celebrities are not there to please us or fit into an image we’ve created of them. Sara’s not ungrateful because she left, or because she didn’t guest star in the season finale or because she didn’t tweet about a fictional couple. Sara doesn’t owe us anything. Sara gave us ten years of Calliope Torres, which is something I, personally, will be forever grateful for. She continuously advocates for the LGBTQ+ community (and other minorities), she uses her platform to raise her voice.

The shit that’s been said about Sara for the past two years has been biphobic, misogynistic, sometimes racist, terribly intrusive, completely unnecessary, and all-around horrible. I think we should really think about whether we’ve been part of this, re-evaluate what messages we’re putting out there, and you know, just stop.
